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The Cachelot
Thursday, August 17, 2006
  Tired of Winning
Back in 2005, Ehud Olmert was speaking at a tribute dinner
given by the Israel Policy Forum. The remarks were quite
exceedingly strange, but then they were given in strange
company - the IPF is an offshoot of "the Oslo process", the
architects of which were an unappetizing blend of Jihadist
sympathizers and petty criminals. The now chief UN kahuna
on the Mid-East front, for example, left Norway and an already
established post as "minister of planning" in the wake of an
embarassing police investigation into his finances and tax


We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous,
we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our
enemies, we want that we will be able to live in an entirely
different environment of relations with our enemies.
We want them to be our friends...

It goes on. But already in 2005, Israel's enemies were
Olmert's friends. And it didn't really start there, of course.
Voices in the Sharon government, which Olmert was a
part of, were early on heard favouring removal of IDF
protection from settler outposts the wanted gone. The
thinking was that the Arabs, well armed as they were,
would soon drive the settlers off.


Now, of course, after the Lebanon debacle, the pinhead
may have to pay with his political life. After too many of
his countrymen paid with their real life for his politics of
appeasement, delusion and "Arabs First".

But maybe not. Already, Olmert's ilk is heard voicing its
point of view in papers like Haaret'z (which just yesterday
sold 25% of its stock to a German company with an
illustrous Nazi past). From Gideon Levy:

Another slam-bam win would have brought disaster upon us.
Drugged with power, drunk with victory, we would have been
tempted to implement our success in other arenas.

Drugged with power and drunk with victory, huh? Not bloody
likely with your kind, Mr. Levy - you represent the leftwing
Jews so bent on suicide that you'll leap triumphantly into the
ovens and gloatingly drag your unwilling brethren with you.

And this nincompoop goes on, about the six-day war:

There is no way of imagining an easier and sweeter victory.
Israel's "deterrent capability" was restored - and in a big way -
in a manner that was supposed to guarantee its security for
many years. And what happened?

I'll tell you what happened: Levy's kind happened. The
antisemitic-to-the-bone American appeasement train
arrived. And Israel, after yet again beating the Arabs (who
had their nuts raked out of the fire by the US) gave Sinai
back to the enemy.

Now, let me suggest a non-PC script for stopping this nonsense
once and for all.

  1. Take aside 10% of Israel's nuclear warheads for immediate delivery.
  2. Set aside another 10% on second-strike platforms.
  3. Hit Iran. Hit Tehran with 8 medium warheads in a circular pattern. Then use 8 more for nuclear installations.
  4. Hit Syria. One large warhead over Damascus should be enough. Now you should be down to 23 warheads left, for immediate use at your discretion, after having spent a very short amount of time neutralizing Iran and Syria.

You're now left with 63 warheads in first-strike and second-strike positions. Ask the EU, the US and the UN if they have any objections. If they object, ask what 63 cities they would like to lose first.

Of course, this will never happen. Israel will march itself right into Holocaust II before it acts "disproportionately". Too bad.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 12:13 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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