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The Cachelot
Friday, July 29, 2005
  The Hoe Handlers

I read a disturbing account of Ariel Sharon a while back.
It seems he has a reputation as one who is fond of a hoe-
handle, and fond of using same handle for smashing in the
heads of his fellow Jews - particularly the non-communist


From Arutz:

..out of it jumped a group of uniformed Haganah men, led by
Ariel Sharon holding a hoe-handle. We knew him in the area
as someone who always holds a hoe-handle to catch Etzel and
Lechi people. They tried to break into the cafe, which was
still closed because of the Sabbath. I came close to him,
and he said, 'Give me some soda,' and pointed to a box of
drinks on the ground. I bent down to the bottles, and then
he picked up his arm and smashed me with all his might with
the hoe-handle. My head was covered in blood, which dripped
down all over me."

Charming feller, ain't he? All the charisma, bloodthirst
and thieving initiative of a young Benito. Same clever
stout-stick-politics. Wonder if the Jews will give him
the same justice?

The Thug

Whatever. Today, he has no need to wield a stout hickory
hoe thingy. He has Condoleezza Rice, a hoe-handle with an
antisemitic flair and gusto I had expected to see out of
a Jerry Springer obscenity, not running loose wearing a
Dubya Bush tag. Or maybe Condi has the old general. In
the blood-fog around America's relationship with the Jewish
state it furtively hates and just as furtively steals
technology from, it's sometimes hard to see who is hoe
and who is handle.

As usual when it comes to Israel, things are complicated
by a complex cast of mobsters, wannabe strongmen and
communist Jewhaters churning around the Prime Minister.

Has anyone ever noticed how Shimon Perez, the traitorous
old fart cum Obscure Casino Personality cum Arafat Chum
always seemed to be Sharon's boss, even when formally an

Nothing is necessarily as it seems. But you can count
on the power elite being what they are: hoes.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 12:27 AM
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