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The Cachelot
Monday, May 29, 2006

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# Posted by The Cachelot @ 10:27 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
  Fun and Games

A while ago I came across a funny sort of thing on the Iraq
The Model blog, about Muqtada al-Sadr and his slightly
bizarre view of ball sports.

Habibi the west made things for us that distract us from our
integration, uh, what it put for us? Made us run after a ball
habibi…that is like 'eat gargary'* habibi.

They let us waste time on it…singing, football, and and and
smoking and stuff and satellites in forbidden things are used
and so on; they left us to do forbidden things and they mostly
turned to scientific things and thingy things.

There's quite a few good illustrations of the mindset of Islam
around the web. One of the things they keep saying, over and
over, is this:

  1. We are morons. We always were morons. We'll always be morons.
  2. It's the Jews fault. They're into science while we're morons.

They're half right, of course.

Meanwhile, talking down on Gargary, ol' Muqtada looks like he's
had more than a passing aquaintance with the sugar lollipops
himself. Probably cleans his teeth with a stick, like any good wahab.
Not that there's anything wrong with cleaning wahabist teeth with
a stick, of course. But imagine a wanderer, meeting Zawahri on
the road somewhere:

Wanderer: "Oh wise old man with the scraggly beard and the
leprous growth on the forehead, which way to the Umma?"

Zawahri: "Silly kufr. It's right over yonder hill. See that cloud
of halitosis rising?"

In other news of the wide world of sports, Iran is set to ban
any athlete looking too effeminate. They seem particularly set
against footballers plucking their eyebrows. Hereafter we can
expect the Iranian footballers not only to have fallen prey to
the Jewish trap of useless organ-moving, but also to wear the
popular unibrow. You know, the kind you see in all these
common Gaza activities like swarming on dead bodies, waving
Islamic flags, burning other flags, lugging explosives, having
"work accidents", slicing their kids with daggers, jumping around
with the koran, jumping around with guns, jumping around
with their newly made nitroglycer...

You get the idea.

Now, if their boss could only be slightly less effeminate (Nix
only calls him "Homodinejad") . It's the best moniker I've
seen for him in a while. Look (may a popout be upon your

You are the sound of one lip kissing

Of course, it would also be good if Mr. Homodinejad were
slightly less lunatic. That might make him less prone to think
that he is glowing supernaturally and less prone to arrange
for his countrymen to glow naturally. Maybe if he would wash
more, sort of use more time on personal grooming and stuff,
he'd have less time to converse with djinns and fantasize
about his magical aura?

The latest tard-scare in the Iran nuclear bomb thing is
supposedly al-Quaeda threatening to set off nuclear bombs
in the US if Iran isn't allowed to proceed with their bomb.
Hello? Anyone IN there? If the moonbats had a nuclear
arsenal, would they have run around like they've eaten
berserker-shrooms demanding to have their bomb?

From WorldNetDaily:
Mir said that he met with an Egyptian engineer last week
who lost an eye after one of bin Laden's nuclear tests in the
Kunar province of Pakistan.

Right. It's all fun and games with all these nuclear tests,
until someone puts their eye out.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 12:22 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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