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The Cachelot
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
  Man of Peace
What with all the hullabaloo in the middle east, I've been
on a Bob Dylan binge. The lyrics for "Neighborhood Bully"
are popping up literally everywhere.

But I've got another set of lyrics running around in my
head at the moment, after seeing Mr. Annan, that icon of
UN antisemitism, snarling and snapping at the Jews as

Just a couple of verses. I'm sure old Bob wouldn't mind:

He got a sweet gift of gab, he got a harmonious tongue,
He knows every song of love that ever has been sung.
Good intentions can be evil,
Both hands can be full of grease.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Well, first he's in the background, then he's in the front,
Both eyes are looking like they're on a rabbit hunt.
Nobody can see through him,
No, not even the Chief of Police.
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.

Man of Peace

Kofi Annan

But I bet you never thought about Kofi's underpants.


Is this his secret?
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 5:32 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
  Send war in our time,O Lord!
Because it is time, and time past, for "something to drop
from eyes long blind" - and for the showdown between the
madness of the dark ages, Islam, and the civilized world.

Israel is, at long last, at the moment of truth - and the rest
of the world has to gather round to help or go under. This
is not an "oppression of poor palestinians", or of "poor
Lebanese civilians". It is Islam's war to extinction against
all that is not Islam and it will ultimately end with Islam or
the rest of the world surviving. Fidels or infidels, not fidels
and infidels. My erstwhile countryman Jan Egeland can take
that "proportionality" and choke on it. Trygve Lie would be
extremely ashamed of his organization today - imagine the
pre-war League of Nations as a powerful entity and in Hitler's

If Israel were to pursue "proportionality", we would see
millions dead in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Asia and Europe.
There would already have been nuclear strikes at Tehran
(Tehran's population is somewhere around the ten million
mark) and against Damascus (pop. ~ 1,3 million).
The Gaza and West Bank "Palestinians" would have been
driven into Jordan, Egypt or the sea. And Geneva, the
Hague and other capitals of the "fourth reich" would be on
the Israeli ICBM target roster, just for safety's sake. This
is proportional. Israel's existence is at stake, so she has the
right to remove the threat by any means necessary.

What the appeasers of the Eurabian salons (and they form
an uncomfortably large proportion - there's that word again -
of the EU population) have not groked so far is, of course, that
their own existence is at stake too.

And that they better get on the ball or go the way of chaff
in the wind. Personally, I'd love to see them go - except their
place would be taken by crazies throwing bombs and slicing
throats instead of wringing hands and blubbering about Israeli
"disproportionality". From the pan into the fire, as it were.
So I hope they'll not crawl under a rock and expire just yet,
unlovable as they are.

Of course, it would probably be possible for Israel to act in a
"disproporionate" way. I can think of a few things.

What I can't think of, in my wildest imagination, is talks
with these people:

Celebrating Sharon's stroke

Sharon Stroke Celebration

Sharon Stroke Celebration

Sharon Stroke Celebration

Cartoon insanity

Prophet Madness

Prophet Madness

Sorry. Better dead than red, to bring the parlance back to
the days of "The Evil Empire". And life in Islamofascist
utopia is, from all acounts, infinitely worse than life in old
KGB-land - although it's being given a run for its money
by the newer red paradises.

Anyway - it's crunch time. The US and the rest of the world
can, to some degree, atone for previous sins by standing with
Israel now. They better. For example, when whining about
Lebanon and it's "fledgling democracy" one should bear in
mind a few things:

Lebanon is not a democracy, fledgling or otherwise, as long as
it's governed by a foreign terrorist organization controlled
by Tehran. In fact, Lebanon isn't even a viable state. The
state of Lebanon was murdered by Yasser Arafat with the
active help of America. And that's just one of the blows dealt
by the US against Israel.

Norway has a bit to make up for too. The Oslo process has
made the word "Oslo" even more infamous around the world
than WWII managed to make the name "Quisling". A cold,
hard look will show that while there were probably some good
intentions both in the path of Mr. Quisling and the history
of the "Oslo process", both were supremely stupid. And
ultimately evil.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 1:25 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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