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The Cachelot
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
There's an anonymous sheep out at Ariel Sharon's farm. It calls
itself "slightly black" and it has agreed to furnish us with a secret.
The secret is this: The incredible willingness of Mr. Sharon to go
along with ths Saudi "roadmap" is a kind of "oil-for-food" program.
Mr. Sharon will provide the food, the Saudis will provide the oil.

Together they will corner the world market for sheep-nuggets.
They will be deep-fried in Saudi crude, and they'll be "halal", but
certainly not "kosher".

If Mr. Sharon succeeds in his new business venture without being
indicted, linked to the mob or to strange influences in South Africa,
says "Slightly Black", he may next approach the right honourable
George Galloway. Besides being the pick of the rabble of Bethnal
Green, Mr. Galloway possesses what Mr. Sharon lack: a party
name with an internet domain. The Kadima name seems to be
all used up, domain-wise, relegating the old wolf to domain-
squatting if he wants a flashy outlet. And they all seem to have
owners in the US too, so they can't even be administratively

Too bad. So sad.

Anyway, if Mr. Sharon can just get into synch with Mr. Galloway,
maybe they can share Galloway's creation, RESPECT.
After all, the Brits have a long history both in Jewish lands and
with antisemitic policies.


Our informant, "Slightly Black Sheep". We'll be on the lookout for
others wishing to come forward with startling information on the
prime farmer's dhimmitude.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 7:19 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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