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The Cachelot
Sunday, August 07, 2005
  A study in treachery and treason
Let us, just for a moment, go back to World War Two.

In that war, Norway lost some 570 ships used in the war
effort on behalf of the allies. The Norwegian merchant
fleet was by far the largest naval freight resource on the
allied side, and absorbed the heaviest losses. After the
war, allied politicians were flinging fawning phrases like
"look to Norway" around like confetti.

Of course, behind the scenes were another reality. If
President Roosevelt had had his way, yours truly would
have been born a Soviet citizen:

"In 1944, the Germans evacuated the provinces of Finnmark and
northern Troms, using a scorched earth tactic. The Red Army
moved in shortly after, and peacefully returned the area to
Norwegian control after the war, despite President Roosevelt
having offered them parts of northern Norway. The Germans in
Norway surrendered on 8 May 1945."

Amazing, isn't it? Back in WWII, and the US up to basically
the same tricks as today - attacking an ally, trying to give
away the ally's land to some genocidal dictator. Lucky for
me that old Joe Stalin seems to have had a bit more decency
than the average US president, Yasser Arafat and other Arab
barbarians and the old fascisti and mobsters surrounding Mr.
Sharon put together, I guess.

Mr. Sharon seems to be in full run towards dismantling his
country on the altar of international crime, corrupt US-Arab
liaisons and islamic Jew-hatred fine-honed since the days of
Hitler's personal grand Mufti. And the US presidency shows
itself as more rabidly antisemitic with each new president.
A good look at Ms. Rice is enough - catch her in an Islamist
setting, and you see unbridled rabies staring out at you.

Only one thing can save Israel at this point. Sharon and
Peres must end up in jail - and they own the Israeli version
of the Geheime Staatspolizei, the Shabak. We can only hope
that the IDF will step in and do its damn job - protect the
Israeli people.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 4:54 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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