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The Cachelot
Monday, August 08, 2005
Arabias western helpers - diligently solving "the Jewish problem".

I just came across a rather nasty image when looking for
US SecState Rice. I've said she looks rabid on occasion:


In that little googling foray I actually found the entire
(more or less) western relationship with the Jews on a few
image pages.

The mufti and his German dictator

The Grand Mufti of Cairo, Haj Amin Al-Husseini with Adolf
Hitler. Hitler eagerly took Husseini's advice on disposal
of the Jews at the Wannsee conference.

Moving on - a big leap into modern and more "civilized" times.

The Terrorist and The Terror - Arafat and his All-American boy.

Yasser Arafat and Bill Clinton. Arafat was the world's fore-
most terrorist, and Mr. Clinton was his enabler and friend.
Mr. Clinton is said to have a strange liking for Hitler's main
work, "Mein Kampf" and a fondness for stating that "the Jews
would reap the whirlwind".

Trading Spit, Trading Oil

Mr. Bush with Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Of course,
Saudi Arabia is one of the main engineers of modern Jew-hatred
and the mover in the wings regarding the so-called "road map
to peace", a ploy to nullify the UN mandate for a Jewish state.

Embracing Munich - Rice and Munich Massacre Financier Abbas

Condoleeza Rice with Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas financed the
PLO massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic
games in 1972. Rice's most memorable words to the folks
she identifies with, the "palestinians", was something
along the lines of "Don't tell us we can't be freeee".
I'm afraid that what was really on her mind was :

"Ich bin Ein Palestiner! Ihr Kampf ist mein Kampf!"

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 1:48 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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