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The Cachelot
Thursday, March 24, 2005
  Waiting for the Boot to Drop

There is now only two possible outcomes of the Terri
Schiavo case. Either Terri is taken into protective
custody and her life saved, or the US will have undergone
a de facto coup d'etat by the judiciary branch. It will be
a new state, where murder by judge and henchmen is legal
and where the President is a helpless figurehead.

Jeb and George W. Bush had better take note: at the
moment, America is very rapidly forfeiting its long
and hard-earned credibility when it comes to respect
for life and human rights. This one is worse even than
G.W. Bush letting his flunky Ms. Rice run around in the
middle east trying to carve Israel up in chunks. The
plate isn't full without being heaped, it seems.

One of the latest developments in the Schiavo case is
an offer from a German hospice to care (and I mean
care, not offer her up to Michael Schiavo behind
locked doors) for free.
Imagine that. Old Europe.
Old Euthanasia-land. Trying to wrest an American
euthanasia-victim away from a maniacal legal system
bent on homicide.

Time is of the essence. It may be too late. Send
in the marshals.


# Posted by The Cachelot @ 6:28 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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