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The Cachelot
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
  Featherless Birdies

So, at long last, after shameless obstructions by such
luminaries of the "party of death" as Bawney Fwank, the
house passed legislation allowing Terri Schiavo's
parents legal standing in her case. The papers were
rushed to the White House, where President Bush waited
to sign them - having broken off his schedule to be
able to deal with this on an emergency basis. There
is an ambulance waiting to whisk Terri away from the
hospice where people with drugs and guns are enforcing
her judicially ordered murder, as soon as a federal
judge can give the order.

And then what happens? The federal judge gets the
case on his desk before dawn. And he looks at his
watch, and he yawns, and he has breakfast and lunch
and decides to have a look at this thing at three
PM. That's almost twelve hours, folks. I can
only surmise that he's one of these creatures put
in place by Mr. Clinton, that über-Democrat with the
talent for slick criminality.

The swinishness in this case seems bottomless. And
it is bringing out a very uncomfortable truth:
There is less and less difference between USA 2005
and Germany in the thirties. The euthanasia crowd
is moving with great purpose in the US, just as they
did in Germany, and just as they did in the US back
before their plans were rudely obstructed by the
unforeseen war with Herr Hitler. As in the German
thirties, there's a large segment of the population
supporting euthanasia (and also totalitarian policy
a la National Socialism). There's an enchantment
with racism and antisemitism, the wildly antisemitic
religion of Islam being prpagandized by the US Dept.
of State, on the State Department website, no less.
And the whole odious mess is aided, abetted and to a
great degree designed by the Democrats, who is no
longer a political party. They cannot be thought of
as a political party any more than Hamas, al Quaida,
Erich Honnecker's Stasi, Germany's Bader Meinhof
gang, or Vidkun Quisling's Nasjonal Samling.

Much has been made of the "government intrusion" in
the Schiavo case. But the vicious and vulturelike
figures circling over Terri's deathbed seem to have
forgotten that the whole murderous process wouldn't
be possible without active participation of the State.

Judge Greer - who may or may not be legally a Judge
(there seems to be some doubt about his mandatory oath
of office), is not only slightly batty but legally
blind as a bat and cannot drive a vehicle - even
morphed briefly into a medical man in order to point
the process of death in the right direction:

George Greer, a Pasco-Pinellas circuit judge, ruled
the tapes fail to prove Terri Schiavo's brain still

``She clearly does not consistently respond to her
mother,'' the judge wrote in 2002 after hearing from
five doctors with divided opinions. ``The court finds
that based on the credible evidence, cognitive function
would manifest itself in a constant response to stimuli."

Amazing, isn't it? Now here's Greer - with a background
as a county commishioner (in parallel with one of the
board members of the hospice tasked with extinguishing
Terri Schiavo, btw) and as a lawyer into sleazy business

"When he was a county commissioner George Greer met with
the mayor and two commissioners from Largo, Florida to
try to convince them to allow his clients to build more
condominiums than codes allow on the golf course they owned.
This was at a time when he was a county commissioner who
acted on issues affecting Largo. In 1990 Greer was publicly
criticized for being one of four commissioners who took a
boondoggle trip to the Cayman Islands ostensibly to look at
the water desalinization plants there."

And now he's an authority on cognitive function.

American polls are said to still be showing a 60% plus
count for letting Michael Schiavo and the state of
Florida murder an innocent, as long as it happens in

The vultures are mostly featherless now, naked and ugly
and wrinkled and pinkish and red. The American public
has learned to love the smell.

Let's hope the good judge never falls into a reverie
or a fudge - sorry, I mean a fugue (falling into fudge
is for Bawney), lest it turns into a "reverie of bone".

Florida. The place to stay away from. Where you
do NOT want to have a brush with healthcare.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 9:05 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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