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The Cachelot
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
  A Curious Judgement

The day of Terri Schiavo's premeditated murder, at the
hands of her husband Michael, the euthanasia advocate
Felos, and judge (really?) Greer is drawing nigh. We'll
have to see, I guess, what can be done to thwart this
evil process driven by the Florida legal system - which
seems to have business interests in a hospice turned
killing machine, and a lawyer who writes about inflicting
death with something looking queasily like fetishism.

One wonders why, exactly, Florida is unable to shut down
the hospice of Suncoast Florida when the institution
appears to owe the feds around 15 million dollars which
it got its mitts on by claiming that patients were
terminal when they weren't. Those non-terminal terminal
patients - what happened to them eventually? Did they
survive their brush with Suncoast, where the strange Mr.
Felos served on the board of directors?

And the good judge, Mr. Greer - he recently judged that
no one is to try and feed Terri by mouth. Yes, you heard
right. If anyone tries to give Terri a piece of donut,
and she's able to eat it, presumably Florida law enforcement
or some hospice angel of death or a representative of the
mob will be on hand to deliver a firm smack on the hand.
One wonders exactly how far the "judge" is prepared to
go: if Terri's father insists on giving his daughter some
scrap of food, will he personally be willing to shoot
Mr. Schindler?

I'm glad I'm not a judge. I'm afraid I'd have the trio
Mr. Greer, Mr. Schiavo and Mr. Felos flung in jail.

Just a shortie term. Six months, tops. No biggie.

But I'd let them share a cell. And I wouldn't feed them.
And I'd let them take just a couple of personal items each.

A knife and a fork.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 11:24 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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