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The Cachelot
Friday, March 25, 2005
  Academic Hydrocephalia

Some yahoo blowing in here from a college of osteopathic
medicine opines:

"That's funny, I pretty much feel that if they intervene
in the Schiavo case, that we will no longer live in a
democracy but rather a theocracy -- with Bush as God.
Go figure."
Knott 03.24.05 - 1:08 pm #

Well, see, judge Greer has forbidden Terri Schiavo to be
given any food or drink. Even by mouth. That goes way
beyond withholding artificial life support and jumps
straight into the realm of murder.

In principle, it is no different from locking you, Mr.
Knott, up with no food or water until you die. Or blowing
your head off. Or letting Mr. Zarqawi having a go at your
throat with sharp utensils. Or delivering you to some
Mengele-clone with bright ideas of poisons and the creative
use of heat and cold. Murder is murder. It is illegal.

So, one wonders - are you looking to be one of these guys
in white coats helping creatures like Mr. Greer usher in
the "brave new world"? Ready to pull the plug on people
which the apparatchiks in the judiciary deem worth clearing
off, is that it? And don't want any nasty interference
from religious people or - Wen Jiabao forbid - a "theocracy"?

Just a small word of caution. People espousing murderous
systems often find themselves on the receiving end of the
very mob they thought would serve them, and which they
sought to serve. This tend to surprise them no end.

Funny thing, that. It's almost as if their brains were
mostly water.

Ernst Röhm

"Hapless Ernst"
Born November 28, 1887
Perished from a moronary July 1, 1934

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 3:43 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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