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The Cachelot
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
  Aryan State Department

I see that Richard Boucher is again abusing his State
Department post to try and meddle in Israeli domestic
I'm not sure who told Ricky that he has an Israeli
vote, or that Israel is American property.

It might be his terrorist Saudi friends, or his no less
antisemitic Euro friends, or whatever inbred imbecile decided
that the State Department ought to promote Islam off their
website and on the taxpayers dime. Did I say imbecile?
Add criminal. And add the ACLU to the criminal bunch, seeing
that they accept the federal government flogging this travesty
of a "religion" to their American subjects while they're busy
ripping down every cross in sight.

Of course, the turbaned and/or brownshirted dwellers of the
US State Department can always be relied upon to come up
with press releases that resonates ringingly on Stormfront,
and they probably have their fans in certain segments of the
Israeli version of the Geheime Staatspolizei, Shabak. Avi
"Herr Flick" Dichther, for example, would probably find
little reason to disagree with the swamp's unstinting
attempts to drive the Jews into the sea, into Arab shrapnel,
or at least into detention facilities.

But it's about time that the President of the US curtail
the activity of these slimeballs, before they help usher
in another era of Democrats in the White House. I don't
think Americans - even those on Stormfront - would have
a very comfortable time with Teh-ray-za the Mad and Lurch
at the helm. And they would probably never get a chance
to vote them out.

It would be good if the President would fire Boucher. Come
to think of it, it would be good if he would fire the entire
swamp and start over. Getting rid of Colin Powell would do a
world of good to soothe voters who have decided to give Bush
a big skip-and-jump this year, and getting rid of the other
odious swamp flotsam like Boucher can only help.

Friends.... Forever

My flunky Rick and I are almost agreed as to
how big Israel should be allowed to be.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 3:08 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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