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The Cachelot
Wednesday, May 05, 2004

This past week we have had even more
atrocious behaviour than usual from that
global mafia, the UN.

First out (or maybe second) was the UN
choice for High Poobah for Iraq, Lakhdar
Brahimi. Brahimi is a well known mouth
for the Arab League, and hasn't wasted
any time in making his antisemitism his key
issue: "The great poison in the region is
this Israeli policy of domination and the
suffering imposed on the Palestinians."

Yeah, right. This is a guy who defended
Saddam Hussein, who has worked and is
working to restore the Baathist positions
in Iraq, who the Kurds fear as much as
they feared Saddam - and with good reason.

Kofi Annan distanced himself from the
"Israel=Poison" statement from his Arab
underling, but later let that drop and
instead came out in Brahimi's defense.
No wonder John Kerry loves the man,
they have the same kind of two-faced
slipperyness. Like a rotting fish with a
head in each end.

Anyway, enough with Brahimi. There's
more filth floating in the UN bowl.

The Oil-for-food scam, also called the
UNScam, UNScum, and a host of other
fanciful terms. Benon Sevan, a close
associate of Mr. Annan and one of the
key players in the shenanigans, has
instructed that information is not to be
given to governmental authorities and
others investigating the scandal. Annan
has put his support behind this rather
curious initiative. Of course, there is
that embarassing little detail named
Kojo Annan too. So the necessary
information may have to be wrung out
out of the suspects hands, literally,
if it is ever to see daylight. Of course
it won't come to that: all these criminals
have diplomatic immunity. But they can
be deported.

Then there was the situation in Thailand,
where hundreds of islamic terrorists,
upon activation by their leaders, attacked
police and army posts. Since the islamics
seems to have been armed mainly with
machetes, the army and police made
short work of them. That was because
they were prepared. Had they been
unprepared, an attack by a machete-
wielding horde would have been quite
a nasty thing.

But the UN is offended, as usual when
an islamic terrorist is killed. Of course,
this ended with more than a hundred
dead terrorists, so the UN is in a state
of hysterical frothyness.

The "world body" is now demanding
that Thailand investigate the killings
in a prompt and satisfactory (to the
UN) manner. And think at least trice
before ever doing something like that

And with that, we have arrived at the
UN Commision for Human Rights. The
person frothing at Thailand for killing
too many islamic would-be murderers
is Bertrand Ramcharan, the acting UN
High Commissioner on Human Rights.
No, it's not a joke.

The lastest from that august body is
that the US walked out of proceedings
to ensure that Sudan has a seat on the
Commission. Of course, Sudan is not
especially well known for its adherence
to human rights, being more famous
for its bustling trade in slaves and mass
murder, even genocide, of Christians.

Other members include such states as
Zimbabve, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Any
club involving Sudan, Zimbabve or Egypt
is likely to be corrupt, criminal, antisemitic,
genocidal and generally worth putting in
enforced quarantine for the foreseeable
future. Putting all these into a body
supposed to be looking after "human
rights" is probably as close as you can
get to terminal blasphemy without
getting hit by lightning.

So far, that is. But I'm praying every

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 12:20 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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