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The Cachelot
Sunday, May 30, 2004
  The European Terrorist

I've been quietly fuming for a couple
of days. Since Caroline Glick had a
column in Jerusalem Post titled "What
Europe wants".

The gist of the article is that France
wants to help the Arab countries rid
themselves of the Jewish problem. This,
according to a French EU parliamentarian,
is official French policy.

Standing before the EU parliament in
Brussels on May 16 2001, French EU
parliamentarian Paul Marie Couteax
made a stunning statement. After
condemning Israel's actions to defend
itself against Palestinian terrorism
as the "theocratic excesses of this
religious state," Couteax declared that
Europe should supply the Arab world with
nuclear weapons. In his words, "I have no
hesitation in saying that we must consider
giving the Arab side a large enough force,
including a large enough nuclear force, to
persuade Israel that it cannot simply do
whatever it wants. That is the policy my
country [France] pursued in the 1970s
when it gave Iraq a nuclear force."

This is a fairly interesting statement,
both because it seems not to have hit
the world media, and because it places
France in the curious position of being
a self-declared terrorist nation, bent
on supplying nuclear weapons to islamic
terrorists so that they can fulfill the
dreams of Iran's ayatollah Rafsanjani.

In short, France is both breaking the
UN non-proliferation treaty, and doing
so in order to set up a second holocoust.

This should have serious consequences,
both for France and any collaborators in
the EU, that second attempt on a "Festung

A few things should now happen:

France should forfeit any nuclear force.
If the UN is unable or unwilling to
enforce its own rules (an easy call
to make, since the UN is as anti-
semitic as France), I'm sure that
the US and/or Israel would be able
to strip that terrorist entity of
any WMD capability.

France, never what you would call
a loyal NATO ally, should be booted
out of the alliance.

Sanctions. No nation should have
defense trade or ties with France.
The nation who let upwards of 14000
of its own elderly fry in the summer
heat should never become anything but
a pariah.

Actually, with this admission that
France was trying to give nuclear
weapons to Saddam Hussein, it would
seem that Israel (and really, the UN,
if the community wasn't rotting from
the inside) has a casus belli against

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 10:59 AM
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Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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