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The Cachelot
Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Weirdness out of the middle east is reaching
proportions surprising even me. And that is
bloody surprising.

Let's start with the fallout from the Abu
Ghraib pictures and all the "humiliation".

Reuters Staff Abused by U.S. Troops in Iraq

Two of the three said they had been forced
to insert a finger into their anus and then
lick it.

Color me unsympatethic. Reuters deserve far
worse than this. Listening for that small
voice of compassion, all I can get is "How
can this be? Wouldn't they have to take
their heads out first"?

Meanwhile, Israel is clearing out terrorist
nests and weapon-tunnels in Gaza, while Kofi
Annan, Colin Powell, the EU and all the
usual suspects squeal like stuck pigs. What
Israel really ought to do is send in a couple
divisions to take out the terrorist infra-
structure in the UN-building. I'd settle
down and watch that one, with lots of

Talking about Colin Powell: he ventured out
of the closet the other day, and won't be
able to hide again:

Speaking to a Dansih television channel,
Powell reiterated President Bush's support
for the Road Map peace plan and said that
Israel must be forced to act in accordance
with it.

Fancy that. And now he's bleating along with
Kofi over damages to the Hamas and Islamic

Actually, this kind of open antisemitism
from the US State Department is fully to be
expected, and I wouldn't be surprised if
Mr. Powell himself was really an Islamist.

That would explain the abuse of US taxpayers
money to spread Islam by way of the State
Department website, here:

Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions
in the United States today.

Titled "Muslim Life in America" this State
Department site is a glowing advertisment for
Islam and the Islamic way of life, provided
in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic
(the Department's native language?), Chinese
and Persian.

Interestingly, the State Department does not
seem to have anything to recommend Buddhism,
Hinduism or Vicca. Christianity is right out,
and the mere mention of Judaism would
probably send the swamp's denizens into a
foaming, swastika-polishing frenzy.

So, ACLU, where are you on this blatant abuse
of a government site to spread religion?
What's that you say, boy? It's not a religion?
It's a criminal enterprise? So they get a free

Meanwhile, here's what American taxpayers
pay for:

US State Department islamic Photoalbum

At Greater Lansing Islamic School,
East Lansing, Michigan, students play at
the playground. (Courtesy Islamic Horizons)
© usinfo.state.gov/Islamic Horizons

And here is what the US taxpayers pay to
have removed:

Taxpayer money spreading Islam and erasing
the Ten Commandments. Isn't that special?

And as abuse, it makes the vaunted "prison
scandal" seem like a prank.

But Colin and his merry State Department
Jihadis are not the only ones popping up
when you start looking for abuse. The
State Department's partner of choice, the
purveyor of "legitimacy" (what we strait-
laced folks call galloping corruption),
the UN, is in hot water again. As is not
unusual, it is all about the children.
Paedophilia, to be exact.

The UN says its staff have been illegally
detained, while Eritrea accuses the
peacekeepers of serious crimes including

Eritrea also claims the UN is destabilising
the region.

You think that's a coincidence? Or "an
isolated incident", as the saying tend to
go these days when a terrorist cell blows
up something.

Afraid not. Here's the next one, hot on
the heels of the first:

KINSHASA (Reuters) - The United Nations
mission in Congo said Monday it was
investigating allegations of sexual
abuse and exploitation of civilians,
including minors, by its staff serving
in the northeastern town of Bunia.

It should be abundantly clear by now that
the UN is, in itself, abuse. It is the
reign of people like Khomeini, Mugabe,
Amin, Assad, Arafat, Yassin and Carlos
given global scope and Nobel "Peace

Where's the flood when you need it?
Actually, I'd settle for man-eating
locusts, if they'd just keep inside
the UN-building.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 9:17 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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