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The Cachelot
Sunday, April 18, 2004

Kofi Annan, the Emperor of the UN,
seems to go into great emotional distress
every time some mass-murdering swine
of a terrorist meets a timely end. He puts
on his most serious face and his best suit,
and trundles out to condemn this latest

That is: if the terrorist is a muslim barbarian
who has killed Jews. Kofi could care less
about what slaughter goes on in other parts
of the world, and his organization was always
able to deal with genocide and assorted
atrocities without being visibly upset. But
let the Jews kill an attacker who has killed
hundreds of them, and Ghana's top (not
to say only) international diplomat has a
conniption fit. He threw one over Yassin,
the genocidal cripple. He's throwing a new
one over Rantisi, the mass-murdering
physician. Why is that?

Part of the answer, I'm afraid, is that the UN
is an organization that is first and foremost
antisemitic these days. The ghost of Himmler
and the ghost of Mengele occupy every office
in which there sits some muslim "dignitary",
and most of the European ones.

I dare say that if Dag Hammarskjøld and
Trygve Lie had been around today, they'd
disown the filthy thing and, if possible,
stuff it down the garbage chute. With
most of its "envoys".

No nation wishing to be part of western
civilization should belong to this gang of
pirates and terrorists, where a terrorist state
like Syria can be seated on the Human Rights
Council - an obscenity even in the context
of the pervading UN culture of corruption.

Now, of course there is a cure for the UN.
Apart from extreme measures like bulldozing
the Manhattan Monstrosity into the East River.
We'll get back to that.

But to the UN's history of systemic failures.
Calling it failures is sort of wishy-washy, really
- something Charlie Brown might say. The
fact is that these are not failures, but
features built into the UN system. Not
one of the UN's main stakeholders (as
opposed to the people actually paying for
the fun and games) is remotely interested
in changing things for the better, or if they
are, they have not come up with measures
to correct things. The UN mostly consist
of countries hostile to democracy, hostile
to the West, hostile to the Jews, and
often headed up by howlingly insane

Perhaps the best-known UN failure in
recent years is Rwanda. Here, in 1994,
Hutu extremists murdered 800 000 Tutsis
and other "enemies" in about the time it
takes my phone company between bills.

So what's the UN got to do with it?

One dark night in Rwanda, a man who
called himself Jean-Pierre warned the UN
about a plan to exterminate Tutsis at a
rate faster than the Nazis killed Jews.

So what did the UN do? Why, nothing, of
course. Except for refusing to call it "genocide".
Later, some more of the truth came out.
About French forces helping the Hutus
organize and implement the atrocity. And
the Rwanda conflict spilled over the borders
and into Congo. A sick and twisted story
all around. But not all that unique.

The latest outrage from the UN is the
story of American UN police officers being
killed by muslim UN police officers, in a
firefight in a Kosovo prison. Seems the
"peacekeeper muslims" was in a snit over
the Iraq war.

It's not surprising. Having let the muslims
set the agenda for the UN for many years,
it's not surprising that the factions that are
tirelessly spouting resolutions which are really
nothing more than regurgitated Hitler-tracts
and Arab neo-Nazism now feel confident
enough to turn their guns on "infidel" UN

And that the UN was turning into a free-
for-all, basically a corrupt looting club, was
demonstrated in a bizarre fashion when the
cafeteria workers in the UN-building went
on strike last year. The UN "diplomats"
simply went looting, like they'd never done
any different all their lives. An amusing
account from Roger Franklin:

As one witness marvelled after seeing an
envoy make off with a baked turkey under
one arm and a framed picture under the other:
"They were locusts!"

So what to do?

First of all, every civilized nation must
withdraw from the UN. The US is the most
important one in this regard: the UN would
be severely disabled if not for the steady
stream of American money and troops.

Second, throw the UN out of its lair on
the East River. Empty the bulding and
secure it, pending a full investigation of
the documents left. We need to
know what the buggers have been up to.

Third, sanctions. The US should implement
a policy for dealing with the remaining UN
structure (now maybe headquartered in
Belgium, where the pink parties are not
necessarily communist organizations). A
handy model for this already exists - just
go back to the measures used vis a vis the
soviet bloc. That would mean travel
restrictions to member states, a lid on
sensitive technology being sold to UN
members, and so on. I'd give this empty
suit less than half a year before it would

Fourth, a fresh start. Implement an
organization in which membership must
be earned. No state mouthing Hitler's
heritage need apply. No state killing
political dissenters need apply. No state
applying Sharia law need apply. And no
state without a functioning democracy
need apply.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 5:13 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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