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The Cachelot
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
  Spanish Creep

Spain is creeping towards a familiar posture
for old Europe - the posture of the sniveling
antisemite. Fresh out from the new foreign
minister Moratinos is the plaintive squeal that the
Palestinians have to be accomodated in
order to have al Quaida go away.

Last time I looked, the Palestinian constitution
incorporated a clause saying that Israel must
(and will) be destroyed. What Moratinos is saying
is that maybe, if we would just let the Arabs have
their way and exterminate the Jews, the terrorists
might go away.

Now, this kind of moral gangrene isn't all that
surprising from a former EU "envoy to the Middle
East". "Envoy to the Middle East" seems to be a
job best filled by moral microbes. Or so the thinking
in the EU and that other forum for terrorist-
sponsoring states, the UN, appears to go.

And the EU, rapidly turning into the 4th reich,
is sliding into old sins as fast as their hairy
little palms can be greased with Arab money
and Arab oil. Not that they need much
greasing, just doing what comes natural.

What the EU needs is a moratorium on
Moratinos. And an enema.
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 12:44 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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