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The Cachelot
Friday, April 23, 2004
  Query CBS
Gotta ask. Gotta know.

Why does a major television network in the United States, CBS, see it as acceptable to depict the greatest pain The UK has known in the past several decades by exploiting pictures of Princess Diana as she was dying on what it ridiculously terms a *news* magazine show?

1. Has it suddenly become an imperative of CBS that the US PEOPLE'S right to know should not be infringed?
(Or was it the craven want of publicity and ratings to boost profits for the all but dead, left-leaning network?)
2. Hasn't a decade+ of Dan Blather been enough? Hasn't the leftist slant of all CBS Network news shows trying to drive our President from office been enough?
3. Hasn't profiteering using French/CBS published propaganda books whose authors were hired to be outrageously untruthful and then SELLING the books on 60 Minutes been enough?

I could hazard a pretty good guess as to its true motive, but if (...and it is advisedly I say, "if,") the answer is that it is the right of people in the USA to know, that brings up a whole new can of worms.

Specifically, why should ANY major network be able to show us the dying and death of Great Britain's Princess in a stinking French tunnel, but NO network will show the people of the United States even a small reminder of why we are fighting this horrific War on Terror?

We have not seen much visual evidence of the REAL horror of September 11, while they continue to bombard us daily with a body count in Iraq. Most of the major networks, FOX excluded, continue to lobby the American People to rise up against the war which is being fought valiantly by our troops. There is a constant and deliberate attempt to lower the morale of the US and our military by stating a much contested conclusion that we can never win this war.
All the while, they say they support our troops, when what they mean is that they support the election of John S'Kerry who would immediately turn OUR troops and OUR sovereignty to the unholy ministrations of the most corrupt body on the face of the earth, the United Nations.

I want to see the film of The Twin Towers being hit as often as we need reminded, (which seems to be weekly,) why we are at war. I want our people to remember how OUR innocent civilians were brutally massacred by the bloody terrorists the UN backs with money and refuge. It should be shown until it sinks into the national psyche that we are TARGETS of the UN every bit as much as every person who suffers and dies at the hands Islamofascist terrorists anywhere in the world. These organizations, if they can be called such, could not exist anywhere humanity exists were it not for the facade of legitimacy the UN bestowes on the criiminal elements within its own core.

Terrorist states within the UN body politik pay for UN sanctimony and absurd *resolutions* with lavish gifts and stupendous amounts of bribe monies. It matters not a whit to the *leadership* of the UN what is right or wrong, real or not, truth or lie. The whole conglomerate has been bought and paid for by the most evil, spiteful, barbaric coalition of hate and greed the world has ever known.

So where are the pictures of their evil? Where is the condemnation from these networks and strident Communistic Newswires for all the atrocities perpetrated under UN sanction? Where is the condemnation of John S'Kerry's relentless pursuit of the United States' self destruction?

CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, I can't hear you......

Contributed by Nitzana

# Posted by After Midnight @ 10:11 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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