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The Cachelot
Sunday, April 25, 2004
  On the slopes

Lately it seems that our favourite club for
"legitimacy", the UN, has been coming off
more like the Cosa Nostra. Looking at the
gleaming office environment in the UN
building, you half expect to see Saddam
Hussein peering out from a spider hole
under some desk. God knows he paid
them enough. Or al Zawahiri taking lunch
in the canteen (not during looting hours,
of course). Or bin Laden hiding out in
the smoker's lounge.

The UNscam is but one link in the UN's
unbroken chain of corruption and terrorist
connections over the last few years. Not
that recent events present any surprise:
you kind of get to expect strange things
from an organization once led by Kurt
Waldheim. Now it's led by Kofi Annan,
who has managed to bring it even further
down in the mud. I wouldn't have thought
it possible. It's a feat. I can only scratch
my head in wonder - or, to put it in the
words of J.C.Clarke's "Gimmix":

Amused, amazed, aghast we gaze
we don't get in the way

Well, let's just hope that things get in the
way of the UN continuing to rip off the world.
Let's hope that the various investigations
that are underway will have the resources,
and the guts, to do the job that has to be
done. Personally, I wish that it would be
possible to involve corruption hunter Eva
Joly in the process somehow.

But in reality, as I've said before, I think
the UN must be disbanded. Otherwise, we
are on a slippery slope to give factual world
control to what is really a criminal enterprise.
Don't believe me? Here's a hint: do some
easy investigation of selected high-level
UN envoys. Just scratch the surface, using
google. What turns up looks, to me anyway,
like a regular rogue's gallery.

An example, found with the tool everyone
loves (or hates, depending):

Terje Roed Larsen, special envoy to the ME

Old stuff from 1997, and perhaps it's just
mean to bring things like that up. But I, for
one, would like to see the self-appointed
arbiter of "legitimacy" hiring folks with
cleaner hands for a position of supposedly
keeping the most corrupt, antisemitic and
deadly people in the world from trying to
exterminate the Jews.

However, seing that the "world body" has
its most convulsive moments when the Jews
have the impertinence to try and defend
themselves, I expect that this is what we
must expect.

Of course, what I'd really like to see is for
this nest of vipers to stop being a drain
on the world's resources and a boon to the
world's collective terror organizations - that is,
go away. To Hades, if at all possible.

Thinking about the UN makes me think of
John Kerry, inevitably. The UN seems to be
what drives him, even more than the Democrat
party. He's on record saying that the US
military should be under UN control, and that
if he's elected, he'll bring the US to the UN's
doorstep - like a cat bringing a dead mouse
to the door in search of praise. No fate, it
seems to me, could be more hideous for the
American public. Not to mention for the rest
of the world, where the UN would probably
find good use for that army. Want to bet
on how long Israel (or the Jews) would last
if Kofi or Terje had their grubby little mitts
on the football?

Now for something strange (you find strange
stuff stumbling around the web):


Meet "Cut-me-own-throat" Dibbler, the Discworld
junkfood vendor. Rat-onna-stick, anyone?

Meet John Kerry. Rat-onna-slope, anybody?

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 5:54 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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