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The Cachelot
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
  John Kerry: the Monster from the Outer Cringe

I cringe at the sight of John Kerry, but I still have
to watch as this almost magically unlikable stick
figure lurches from one nasty confrontation with
reality to another.

Did I say unlikable? I'll refrain from listing any
of this old stale stuff about his neighbours
hating him, or the good senator hurling invective
at his Secret Service protectors. Let's just say
that if he had a pet rock, it would probably bite
his hand off.

Anyway, unlikable isn't really enough to disqualify
from the presidency, even if Lurch may make you
want to emigrate to Greenland just to get away.

What should disqualify him, however, is his
background. Some of that background would
seem to indicate that Kerry was aware of
plans being hatched to assassinate a few
meddlesome US senators. Kerry did not think,
evidently, that these plans warranted blowing
the whistle on the plot's author Scott Camil,
another veteran and VVAW member. Fast
forward to present day: Scott Camil is offered
a position with John Kerry's campaign.
That is sort of strange, don't you think?

But instructive. Contrary to "libertarian"
wisdom pertaining to matters of association,
who you associate with does tell something
about you. Ask any old cop about "known
associates", and I'm sure he'll spell it out
for you.

To get the message of this particular
association, you need to know a few
things. After the rather inglorious bit
of VVAW history when they voted on
wether or not to murder a handfull of
senators, Camil went travelling abroad,
and seems to have developed ties to such
diverse entities and causes as the regime
of Nicaraqua and the "Palestinian struggle".
He's also listed with this interesting group:

Veterans Call to Conscience Speakers Bureau.

A few others on that list:

Carl Dix, National Spokesperson for the
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP).
Unique perspective on revolution in the
United States. Yeah, I'll bet.

Randy Rowland, Presidio 27 Mutineer - 1968.
Served 18 months in Leavenworth Military Prison.

Joe Urgo, The first Vietnam Veteran to travel
to Hanoi on a peace mission. Long time revolutionary
activist. Member, Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Anti-Imperialist (VVAWAI), and Activist for Not In Our
Name Project (NION)

Anyone get the feeling that Mr. Camil and his old
pal Lurch may be just a tiny bit over the Marxist
edge and just pining for the soviet fjords? And
that they miss the Great Chairman?

Me, I wouldn't vote for any of them. Or come
within ten miles of "I don't fall down" (X6) Kerry.
Or buy a Heinz scarf, even if hand-designed
by Teresa with almost no professional help.

What's with the wimmin of democrat maniacs
anyway? Teresa goes on a scarf-making-spree.
With Monica it was handbags, I believe. And I
suspect Hillary is into voodoo dolls.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 12:42 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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