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The Cachelot
Saturday, April 24, 2004

I'm a criminal. At least a cultural one.
At least when it comes to food. Today
I committed the atrocity of mixing a sharp
garlic sauce with sauerkraut, heaping the
mess onto a healthy helping of meatloaf,
and making short work of it. Try it.

Granted, as atrocities go, it doesn't get
up there with John Kerry's exploits. Or
maybe it does? I mean, since it turns
out that most of what Lurch "remembers"
seems to be quite wrong, not to say
bloody lies?

Take the latest twist in his tale of heroism
(his own), for example. Lurch's site claims
that he was involved in an action while
commanding swift boat #94 on Jan. 29,
1969. But wait: there seems to be something
odd. Another man, according to the Boston
Globe, is claiming to have been in command
of #94 at that time. What's more, he was
seriously wounded. I expect we'll hear more
about this from Lurch and his henchmen in
due time. Let's just hope that the other
commander doesn't meet the same kind of
fate as the "dissident" member of Kerry's
"band of brothers" - who was fired just
hours after raining on the Lurch parade.

But the more serious of Kerry's deficiencies
may not be that he's incapable of keeping a
straight tongue. There's worse things than
a stupid liar. A stupid liar (and Lurch is
definitely not the brightest bulb on the
Democrat firmament) easily does away with
his own credibility, and that of his party.
That is something we can be amused and
thankful over. No, his real deficiency is his
Quisling-ness. BTW, did you know that
"Quisling" has gained status as a verb? It's
true. To quisle. To practice quislingism.

So Kerry met with the enemy, in Paris, back
in 1971. Now, if he's elected, he's promising
that he'll go to the UN and grovel. And bring
back the influence which the UN has lost over
the last few years.

Maybe he'd be doing it out of respect and love
of the French. Or maybe there's still enough
millions salted away from the UNscam to make
it worth his while. Ha. I knew that if I looked
hard enough, I'd find some common ground
with the blighter. Food-crime.

But I've already worked off the guilt. All it
took was a trek along the river running past
here - burning off the meatloaf and letting
doggie get her first dip this year.

Lurch will have to work much harder, I suspect.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 3:50 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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