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The Cachelot
Friday, April 09, 2004
  Fire Walk with Me

Watching John Kerry become more bizarre
every day I've been struck with a feeling of
what an ufologist might call high strangeness
- a feeling of things out of kilter, things that
simply do not fit. It's been years since I
watched David Lynch's work, but following
Lurch about you get the same feeling of an
undertow, of decay and dark secrets and
crawly things, and lies. Or maybe it's just
that the man has no credible direction, be it
of opinion, past deeds or of faith.

For example, Kerry is supposed to be a
Catholic - a state of mind (and for all I know,
of body) that says you have to give some
consideration to what the Pope commands.
So the Pope wants Lurch to maybe not darken
the Church door for communion, as long as
he fights for the free availability of abortion.

Kerry's answer? Basically "F**ck" you, I do
what I want". And then, he shows up for
communion - in a Protestant church.

If Lurch ever had a spiritual mentor, it might
have been that fellow with the pointy hat and
the slogan "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole
of the law", what's his name again... Aleister
Crowley. Now, of course, the only thing people
remember old Aleister for is that he once, under
great ceremony, crucified a toad. A small, sad
and sordid thing.

Then there's Lurch on the Middle East. Having
already garnered the support of the mad ayatollahs
of Iran (foreign leaders for Kerry), he's now
fishing for more support. Calling the cleric
Moqtada al-Sadr who is leading a large-scale
insurgency against the coalition in Iraq "a
legitimate voice", he has sort of come out
of the closet as a garden variety marxist
sympathizer of everything anti-American,
including islam. Not terribly surprising really,
considering his connection with Scott Camil
and Camil's links to the PA and other rabid
communist entities.

Now Lurch's pet cleric is threatening to burn
three Japanese hostages. Maybe he's just
exercising his "legitimate voice". Or maybe
John Kerry now will find him illegitimate and
a terrorist. His alliance with Hamas and
Hezbollah didn't seem to do the trick, and
Kerry seems not so sure that these
organizations are terrorists anyway. But
maybe burning Japanese civilians will be a bit
over the top, even for a Democrat presidential

Or will he walk with the fire?
# Posted by The Cachelot @ 1:21 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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