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The Cachelot
Thursday, April 15, 2004

I bet you thought that toons were pretty
innocent stuff. Wiley Coyote, Daffy Duck,
Elmer Fudd, Superman, Yosemite Sam.
That kind of thing.

Well, you're wrong. Have a gander at the
European Union's super-hero, captain Euro.
In brief, it's the exploits of a merry (well,
more like leaden) band of European Union
"special operatives" in ludicrous uniforms.
I wish I could put it nicer. I can't.

The lead lamer... err.. superhero is, as the
bright reader will already have gathered,
"Captain Euro". Quick rundown from the EU
propagandist/child-brainwashing site:

Limited access - downloading restricted data.
RESUME: Born ADAM ANDROS - the only child
of a famous European Ambassador and a
professor of palaeontology.

Travelling the world with his parents, Adam
learned to cope with the adult social world
from an early age. As a child, participation in
an experimental language programme, enabled
Adam to become a polyglot.

Adam was investigating a series of bizarre
archaeological finds when an incredible event,
involving DR DAVID VIDERIUS, prompted Adam
to take on the identity of CAPTAIN EURO.

Captain Euro has taken a difficult vow: "To use,
wherever possible, intellect, culture and logic -
not violence - to take control of difficult criminal
situations." Captain Euro is a diplomatic hero -
the symbol of European unity and values.

-- snip --

There's more of this senselessness, of course.
Much more.

Captain Euro's team is fighting a gang of
international crooks. Their leader is the nasty
Dr. D. Vider. This monster is a ruthless
, and will make money even
if it means the suffering of others

In short, the whole thing is a fascist sell aimed
at children. Poke around in there, and you'll
begin to understand the pathology of the
European Union, and that "the spirit of Europe"
really haven't changed much since Hitler and
Mussolini. Fantasies of Europe as a super-
power abound, as do rich helpings of Marxist

The picture of an all-pervading state and
obedient automaton citizens is probably a
true depiction of the European Union's
yearnings, but fer Chrissake, did these
insufferable loons have to put it on display?

But then again, maybe they couldn't help
themselves. Perhaps the urge becomes
irresistible once a generation or so.

This idiocy borders on child abuse, I think.

If you visit the site, there's a contact link
where you can give your opinion. Maybe
some sane voices would do the europulpers

But then again, maybe not.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 9:41 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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