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The Cachelot
Saturday, April 10, 2004

I see that Jiminy Carter, the liver-stain
on humanity, is making noise again. In
fact, he sounds downright antisemitic,
claiming that the pro-Israel stance of
President George W. Bush is fueling
animosity towards America:

"the prime source of animosity towards
the United States is the lack of progress
in dealing with the Palestinian issue".

Of course, this is a conclusion which the
elder statesman Carter can provide lots
of backing for. He needs only go to some
of the many thinktanks that has adopted
this view: Stormfront, JewWatch, Aryan
Nations, Overthrow, Vanguard News Network -
the list is endless. And the intellectual output
of all of them seems to have wound its way
into Jiminy's Democrat brain.

Of course, Jiminy is another democrat that
fails to surprise. Observers of global terror
have long known that he is the person
responsible for putting the insane mullahs
into power in Iran, which sort of names him
"grandpa of islamic terrorism". Of course,
we cannot overlook Arafat's part of the
parenthood either. Both "men", after all,
have received a Nobel Peace Award from
the Norwegians administering that part of
Afred Nobel's legacy.

I wonder what Alfred would say if he could
see his award being used to glorify these
creatures of unmitigated evil? Would he
see the errors of his ways thinking that
dynamite would make wars impossible?
Would he at least refrain from giving money,
gold and glory to genocidal monsters?
Or would he just figure that they're
dynamite customers?

The nobel committee has been asked to
rescind Arafat's medal. I could think of
at least one more. But of course, the
committee will do no such thing. War
is Peace. A dead Jew is Life. Arafat is
a Peacemaker. Carter is, too. What he
did for peace isn't entirely clear, but he
did seem to get away from his encounter
with a killer rabbit without any blood
being spilled.

On the other hand, what he did for terror
is entirely clear. What he's continuing to
do for terror is crystal clear. I wish he'd
take himself, some luggage like Arafat and
Cynthia "It's the J-E-W-S" McKinney,
and his bodysize liverspot and go feed
a cranky rabbit.

# Posted by The Cachelot @ 11:19 AM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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