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The Cachelot
Saturday, April 24, 2004

Knowing what a hero John eff'n Kerry is, I am sure he would love to ingest at least a potful of The Cachelot's latest culinary delight. It takes planning, you know. He can't be doing flips and flops and whiffling waffles while all the hot air that usually gusts forth from his mouth, gives rise to an acid-reflux attack and gastric discomfort.
So it must be done at a time when he can exploit the malady to the fullest extent possible. I expect it will be just before an important debate between himself and his better, President Bush.
Anything to destroy the President's concentration.
He will turn alternate shades of
blue and red as he waits for the perfect moment and he will suffer in grotesque silence until he can finally release the agony of de butt.

Permit, please, a small illustration.

Moderator: "President Bush, do you think there will really be another terrorist attack inside the United States?"
Kerry, silently to himself: "Wheeewwww."

Bush: "Oh. My G-d!"

"Get a HAZMAT team in here NOW!"


Michael Moore
is a miserable failure.

Al Franken is a big fat liar.

J eff'n Kerry is a lying, miserable failure.



Sez Nitzana

# Posted by After Midnight @ 6:30 PM
Lookin' at you

Lookin' at you Lookin'.

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